Let me begin by distinguishing between the different types of vegetarians. There are vegans (also known as strict vegetarians) who consume no animal products or animal byproducts whatsoever, lacto-ovo vegetarians who consume milk and eggs but no meat and pesco-vegetarians who consume fish as well as dairy. There are also a few other subcategories.
I know the first question that probably comes to mind is, "How will I get enough protein?" One of the measurement scales for protein quality, soy has been rated 1.0 (the highest) right alongside whey and above that of beef which scored a .92. It is a complete protein source containing all of the basic building blocks (the 8 essential amino acids) necessary for the growth and recuperation of muscle tissue.
It is readily available and comes in many different forms such as tofu (low-fat option available), tempeh, seitan, miso, textured soy protein (TSP), powder form (make sure you look for soy isolate and not concentrate) and soy milk which can be used in place of cow's milk in any recipe. There are numerous ways to prepare these soy products and just as many resources available to learn how to prepare these types of foods.
Other benefits of soy include its high levels of glutamine (10.5g/100g soy protein) which is a nonessential amino acid shown to have an
anti-catabolic effect on the body under stress or trauma, high levels of isoflavones which studies have shown to have an anticarcinogenic effect, and soy's lowering effect on the LDL level in blood therefore reducing the risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases. But turning to soy as your primary source of protein is your best option only if you're following a strict vegetarian/vegan diet.
If you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian, incorporating other protein sources such as eggs, milk, cheese and whey protein (a milk derivative) would fall into your diet plan and if you are adhering to a pesco-vegetarian diet, consuming fish would be an excellent additional source of protein, as well.
Choosing from a variety of grains, legumes, seeds, and vegetables will provide an array of amino acids so a deficit from one food will be made up for by another. For instance, a combination of black beans and rice will provide you with a complete protein meal with high energy-yielding complex carbohydrates. The beans will make up for low levels of lysine in the grain and the higher levels of methionine in the grain will make up for the low levels of methionine in the beans.
It is in my opinion, as well as the ADA's (American Dietetic Association), that a vegetarian lifestyle is, like any diet, healthy and wise when planned appropriately. There are vegetarians who consume healthy diets and there are omnivores who consume healthy diets. There are vegetarians who eat CRAP and there are omnivores who eat REALLY crappy as well.
Here is a sample diet:
3 tablespoons of Rice Protein Powder with 8oz of almond
Milk and 8oz of soy milk. I add ½ cup of frozen mango or strawberries to
The mix and one tablespoon of coconut oil.
CAN also add in two teaspoons of Vitamineral Green (Similar Products)
Mid Afternoon Snack:
½ cup of almonds and ½ cup of raisins
Late Afternoon Snack:
Two Veggie burgers with olive oil
Some Sprouted Bread (“Ezekial” or "Man's Bread)
Post Workout Shake:
3 scoops of Rice Protein Powder with 8oz of oat or rice milk.
Can throw in 1 tablespoons of flaxseed oil and ½ cup of frozen fruit.
Mixed Green Salad with 1 tablespoon of olive oil or one avocado.
One cup of lentils steamed with squash, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, and some tofu.
One tablespoon of olive oil is added to the mix.
One cup of quinoa
A pear or apple
Some Dark chocolate for dessert and some ginger cookies
(optional)Glass of red whine
Late Night Snack:
Peanut butter or almond butter sandwich and a cup of berries
*I also wanted to add that you should RESEARCH a lot. I know a lot of people who are bodybuilders and are strict vegetarians. So, get online and start looking for veggie diets and ways that you can get the MOST out of this life style. Good luck