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gjohnson5 said:Also I seem to remember a conversation we were having and you said that everyone uses carbs when bulking. Maybe you should take my original advise and start using fats for calories and energy instead of carbs so your midsection won't balloon and then you have to burn the fats from "carbing up"
>>> Bro the fact that I went from 34 inches to 42 inches waist a COUPLE of times in my life has nothing to do with carbs or fat intake . I was not BULKING at all .
All the time that I gained that much fat , I was not working out at all , and eating crap food 24/7 . Whenever I was off the gym for some reason I was eating crap food because I always said to myself " Oh what the hell I can lose the fat again so fast when I get back on track , so I don't care "
And yes all the time I was able to lose the fat AGAIN and AGAIN , BUT I cannot aford to do this EVER AGAIN , since it really takes a toll on your body , it fucks up your skin , etc... this yo-yo thing is just horrible for your body .
I guess I had to learn the hard way
" You must spread some Karma around before giving it to gjohnson5 again "