It seems a few people on EF are the only ones that take offense to my attitude. I have stated countless reasons why volume training is bullshit. If this offends you, deal with it. You're taking it way too personally. I am entitled to my opinion. Define "great program," too. I don't remember calling any routine shit unless it was a volume routine. Volume does not equate to "great program," I'm sorry to say. If you're referring to 5x5, I said something like:
"Though 5x5 (needsize's method) is still too much volume for the average trainee, it's still better than most split routines."
There aren't that many fucking routines to choose from once you break them down to their core:
Very high volume (16+ sets a bodypart, at least 4 days a week often 5 or even 6 for the deranged) - Ludicrous, "bullshit," whatever you want to call it. If you're even close to average and not on gear than forget about gaining anything. You'll probably lose strength due to overtraining.
High volume (more than 3 sets per bodypart, or generally more than 3 days a week) - Not an overtraining fest like above. However, many trainees will still fail or make slow progress on such a program. Those who are above average or "enhanced" will make gains but not anywhere near as fast as they COULD be.
H.I.T./hardgainer/DC - The way to go for nearly everyone. It JUST MAKES SENSE. You train within your ability to recouperate, and you add reps or weight to the bar every single session (except at the start of a training cycle where you start out with "comfortable" weights). Your body, instead of expending all of its resources to simply RECOVER from a high volume workout, actually builds some muscle. DC is unique in that it's super low volume with higher frequency. You're hitting the bodyparts more often while still recouperating, thus allowing optimum growth and strength gains.
HST - A fine program. Not "optimum" for strength gains but they will still come, and that's obviously not the goal of the protocol.
WSB/some other powerlifting methods - Work well for many but too much frequency for many people (I said volume the first time regarding WSB but I was mistaken)
Olympic Lifting - I know little in this area...