Deepsquat said:
B Fold...I thinkl you are wrong! This board is mainly comprised of MEN...and when men get together and dicuss a topic...sometime they argue....almost every thread in here is some sort of arguement or post will generate 15 different answers to the same question...if I contradict your that not an argument???
Though my post count doesn't show it (lost around 1000 posts in the hacker attack) I have been with this sight for more the 4 years...sometime i drift off..but I return from time to time see how the board has changed ( usually the same stupid question 5 times on one page)...but occasionally a thread like this sparks my intrests...and many others as well...there are 75 posts on this thread..and as of me writing this 587 views...sounds to me as though people are not intrested in you moderating this thread with your politically correct views.
Political correctness was fostered by women trying to modify the actions and thoughts of men, by infuluencing there husbands and sons..we don't need it here...give us someplace to go where we don't have to cow-tow to everyones feelings..let men be men ..and if the women want to join in ...more power to them!
You say that we are nice people here and we don't flame people , to insight there emotions..( I paraphrased) ...if that is so ...then why do we have all of the following similies
and more???? ( it wouldn't let me post them all)
It used to be yopu could flame the snot out of someone for being stupid, and half the time the moderators would join in!
You're right, we are men. Not children. And as such, we should act like men. (No offence to the women on this board.)
Men and women both argue when they get together and discuss something such as this. However, there is a difference between a healthy argument between people dicussing their different points of view of any particular subject, and a fight where nothing gets accomplished.
This board is here for the healthy arguments where all views are heard, discussed, and debated. Noone benefits from the bitching and narrow-minded whining of anyone that refuses to hear any other view other than their own. That goes for all the boards here.
The comment of "Flaming the snot out of someone and the MOD's would join in" does happen. But happens on the C&C board. Where that is what the board is there for. This board, the Anabolic Board, Supplement Board, PL Board, etc...are for learning. Flames and fighting are a waste of everyones time that comes here witrh questions and help regardiing their training.
DC is obviously a very effective training method. Notice the sticky at the top of the page. Notice also the sticky on WSB. Another proven effective way of training.
This thread has become a total waste of time for everyone here. I only hope that Oak got enough of an answer to his question for him to pursue his problem.
My vote at this time, due to what this thread has digressed into, is to lock it.
Oak, if you still have questions regarding getting past your sticking piint in your deadlift, please feel free to PM or mail me, and I will help you in anyway that i can.
I am done.