b fold - he asked what to do. I told him. Somehow people get offended and start talking about 5x5 and crying about how I called it volume training and sometimes I call volume training bullshit, and acting like a detective or something--who gives a fuck, I mean SERIOUSLY, LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE. I never tried to start a flame war, blkws6 did. I wouldn't care, why should you? If you can be nice about how bodybuilding magazine routines have plagued the training world for decades with their volume routines--more power to you. I don't accept it, they've caused countless trainees to fail, and give up frustrated, or get injured, or turn to roids because they can't gain on those routines without them. "Bullshit" is WAY too nice of a term for what they've done. If you disagree, fine, but the internet is a place for sharing ones views, and that is my view.
And I don't mind people putting down my routine. However considering all the people on this board who are doing it "correctly" are loving it, that hasn't been a problem. Just as I expected. What I do think is lame is people not doing the program correctly, doing it half assed, and not following the diet, or stretching, or some other facet when DC has repeatedly stated that they all go together. Then they come on a board and say something like "I was overtrained" or "I didn't make gains." Then you find out that they did more sets, or more rest pause, or didn't allow themselves enough recovery days, or didn't stretch, or didn't eat correctly. That's their problem and they shouldn't represent the program. FEEL FREE to put down the program, if you gave it an honest shot (every part). But you wanna know the funny thing? I've never seen a SINGLE PERSON DO IT. This is out of hundreds and hundreds of people, BTW.
Oak, it's all in the sticky, and in your words "stop crying do you want me to hold your hand?" I posted that sticky FOR YOU remember? Use it.
And I don't mind people putting down my routine. However considering all the people on this board who are doing it "correctly" are loving it, that hasn't been a problem. Just as I expected. What I do think is lame is people not doing the program correctly, doing it half assed, and not following the diet, or stretching, or some other facet when DC has repeatedly stated that they all go together. Then they come on a board and say something like "I was overtrained" or "I didn't make gains." Then you find out that they did more sets, or more rest pause, or didn't allow themselves enough recovery days, or didn't stretch, or didn't eat correctly. That's their problem and they shouldn't represent the program. FEEL FREE to put down the program, if you gave it an honest shot (every part). But you wanna know the funny thing? I've never seen a SINGLE PERSON DO IT. This is out of hundreds and hundreds of people, BTW.
Oak, it's all in the sticky, and in your words "stop crying do you want me to hold your hand?" I posted that sticky FOR YOU remember? Use it.