As a last remark. . .DC is an awesome program!! It has changed my views on training.
I no longer perform 9 to 12 sets per bodypart, but rather 1 set.
People are skeptical when they hear this, but I am the one who is putting on the lbs, while the rest of these jokers are overtrained under fed, and wasting their time performing countless number of sets that are unecessary.
As far as I am concerned, DC training is a gateway of turning into a big boy and the program will work for anyone who has had years of training experience.
People are always suggesting that DC training causes CNS burnout or overload. . . this type of statement is absolute rubbish!! The program is designed to give the trainer plenty of rest and spend no more than 45 minutes in the gym.
Its funny how many people think that multiple sets cause extra growth. . . .the same people forget that eating and resting are much more important.
Its amazing how many people dog the program when they have failed to try the program. . . . this is frustrating.