bulldogg:::Yes, as I've said before...you will gain doing high intensity all the time...but your body will also overadapt...
you will gain from pretty much any type of training program, but after a while, if you don't change it up, it becomes less and less efficient.
Doggcrapp:: really what science are you pulling this out from? Your own? Lets see --hmmm adaption? Well volume is finite so you can do up to 999billion sets if you want to attempt that but what good is that if it takes you 3 months to recover. Intensity is finite--how many intensity techniques are there? five? 10? 15? thats finite. Exercises? how many chest exercises are there? 15? 25? Finite. So whats infinite? The load is infinite and that is adaption. If the load always is going up you always have to adapt to it! You guys are so stuck on "you must do volume" PROVE IT TO ME! So if Johnny slacker does 30 sets and Frankie Hardcore does 4 sets--Johnny slacker is going to have better gains? Bullshit! Lets bottom line this ok--(powerlifting notwithstanding where someone has to keep their food intake down to stay in a weight class)---When is the last time you saw a person who could bench 450 for 20 reps, deadlift 650 for 15 and squat 550 for 20 who was small? Cuz I sure as hell havent! Does that have to do anything with volume? NO--- Well if you do your 10-20 set workouts per bodypart once a week and it takes you 7 years to get to those levels and my guys are training bodyparts 3 times every 10-11 days and it takes them 3 years to get to those levels--my guys are obviously gaining more than twice as fast as you are. Everybody puts all thinking in "this workout today" what can i do to annihilate myself in this workout today that im doing. The thinking should be ok how can I get to point B from point A the fastest! One or two hardcore sets of squats with higher reps and shit heavy weight is going to make your legs grow. Whats 7 sets of squats, 4 sets of leg presses, 4 sets of hacks and 4 sets of leg extensions going to do? Make it so you wont recover for 10 days. Meanwhile my guys have trained legs 3 times in those 10 days and are soaring right past you.
Honestly bulldogg I actually want this. I dont want everyone jumping on the DC bandwagon. I want you and other lifters to keep doing the high volume stuff for a reason. Because my guys are going to FLY right by you and your going to have to admit in the future you fucked up. Is that cocky of me to say? Yea and I have about 500 bodybuilders online and 30 or so personal online trainees that have me incredibly confident of my methods. So ignore all the people that are gaining like no tommorrow--ignore all the pictures posted on the net from people ive trained--ignore all the people posting on the various threads and keep doing your thing. Whats hilarious is one of the best things to happen was I was able to use the net and message boards as my personal lab experiment. Ive had incredible success with people locally in person but before i put this out 1.5 years ago widescale on Animals message board--I really didnt know how it would effect the masses. Well the local guys Ive trained have been going at this for years and years now and some of the people on animals board have been going at this since the beginning of my first post too--and they are all still gaining so please inform me when all these gains are supposed to come to some sort of magical halt due to "adaption" and "need to do volume"? Most of my trainees are people with average to subpar genetics who I make into the best bodybuilders in their gym and their area but now because of word of mouth Im getting genetically elite bodybuilders and I can turn those guys into superfreaks! Im online training about 6 nationally ranked competitors now so lets see what happens shall we? How many people do i have to put on 40-60lbs of muscle on --in their first year with me for some people to get the drift? See I dont understand human nature sometimes. Personally I would feel like a complete idiot--if 500 people were on a message board saying "HMB sucks" but I come on there and tell them "its the greatest thing since sliced bread!"--Theres 4 guys on chad nichols board with pics, theres a 113 THOUSAND view post on animals board with everyone and their mother on it, and theirs some huge posts on this board and yet you still can sit there and say "well it will work for some but will stop working soon"---good luck to you
you will gain from pretty much any type of training program, but after a while, if you don't change it up, it becomes less and less efficient.
Doggcrapp:: really what science are you pulling this out from? Your own? Lets see --hmmm adaption? Well volume is finite so you can do up to 999billion sets if you want to attempt that but what good is that if it takes you 3 months to recover. Intensity is finite--how many intensity techniques are there? five? 10? 15? thats finite. Exercises? how many chest exercises are there? 15? 25? Finite. So whats infinite? The load is infinite and that is adaption. If the load always is going up you always have to adapt to it! You guys are so stuck on "you must do volume" PROVE IT TO ME! So if Johnny slacker does 30 sets and Frankie Hardcore does 4 sets--Johnny slacker is going to have better gains? Bullshit! Lets bottom line this ok--(powerlifting notwithstanding where someone has to keep their food intake down to stay in a weight class)---When is the last time you saw a person who could bench 450 for 20 reps, deadlift 650 for 15 and squat 550 for 20 who was small? Cuz I sure as hell havent! Does that have to do anything with volume? NO--- Well if you do your 10-20 set workouts per bodypart once a week and it takes you 7 years to get to those levels and my guys are training bodyparts 3 times every 10-11 days and it takes them 3 years to get to those levels--my guys are obviously gaining more than twice as fast as you are. Everybody puts all thinking in "this workout today" what can i do to annihilate myself in this workout today that im doing. The thinking should be ok how can I get to point B from point A the fastest! One or two hardcore sets of squats with higher reps and shit heavy weight is going to make your legs grow. Whats 7 sets of squats, 4 sets of leg presses, 4 sets of hacks and 4 sets of leg extensions going to do? Make it so you wont recover for 10 days. Meanwhile my guys have trained legs 3 times in those 10 days and are soaring right past you.
Honestly bulldogg I actually want this. I dont want everyone jumping on the DC bandwagon. I want you and other lifters to keep doing the high volume stuff for a reason. Because my guys are going to FLY right by you and your going to have to admit in the future you fucked up. Is that cocky of me to say? Yea and I have about 500 bodybuilders online and 30 or so personal online trainees that have me incredibly confident of my methods. So ignore all the people that are gaining like no tommorrow--ignore all the pictures posted on the net from people ive trained--ignore all the people posting on the various threads and keep doing your thing. Whats hilarious is one of the best things to happen was I was able to use the net and message boards as my personal lab experiment. Ive had incredible success with people locally in person but before i put this out 1.5 years ago widescale on Animals message board--I really didnt know how it would effect the masses. Well the local guys Ive trained have been going at this for years and years now and some of the people on animals board have been going at this since the beginning of my first post too--and they are all still gaining so please inform me when all these gains are supposed to come to some sort of magical halt due to "adaption" and "need to do volume"? Most of my trainees are people with average to subpar genetics who I make into the best bodybuilders in their gym and their area but now because of word of mouth Im getting genetically elite bodybuilders and I can turn those guys into superfreaks! Im online training about 6 nationally ranked competitors now so lets see what happens shall we? How many people do i have to put on 40-60lbs of muscle on --in their first year with me for some people to get the drift? See I dont understand human nature sometimes. Personally I would feel like a complete idiot--if 500 people were on a message board saying "HMB sucks" but I come on there and tell them "its the greatest thing since sliced bread!"--Theres 4 guys on chad nichols board with pics, theres a 113 THOUSAND view post on animals board with everyone and their mother on it, and theirs some huge posts on this board and yet you still can sit there and say "well it will work for some but will stop working soon"---good luck to you