Hi guys,
Off a 24 week bulk, added 4lb muscle but 7lb total. my goal is to cut without losing strength gains. carb cycling now. im finding that morning fasting or fasted workouts are shedding weight but mostly muscle. although losing no strength, im concerned that will reverse. i think it was Muskate that suggested in some thread IF. any opinions on sticking to fasting mornings &/or fasted workouts(usually hiit, rw, bagwork; not weights)
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Off a 24 week bulk, added 4lb muscle but 7lb total. my goal is to cut without losing strength gains. carb cycling now. im finding that morning fasting or fasted workouts are shedding weight but mostly muscle. although losing no strength, im concerned that will reverse. i think it was Muskate that suggested in some thread IF. any opinions on sticking to fasting mornings &/or fasted workouts(usually hiit, rw, bagwork; not weights)
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