The Shadow
Constantly changing your program, constantly changing your exercises...probably not gonna get very strong on those exercises...probably. The point where squats, deads, and bench press (in their raw form) are taken out of the program...especially for size...the program takes a great nose dive in my opinion.
Ok - then do you change your program or not?? What do you mean taken out of the program...especially for size. You think moving a "mass builder" to the end of a workout diminished it's effectiveness??
"...show me where I recommended a Smith Machine 3 times per week
... Squatting was TWICE per week for a total of 6 working sets. You think that that is too many sets??"
Squatting twice per week and deadlifts once or twice a week too? How many times a week are you doing pressing movements in the Old School Routine? Don't think I said you suggested the Smith Machine 3x a week. You suggested the Smith Machine though...that is bad enough. Smith Lunges, Smith bench press, that just kills it for me. You take stress off of the muscle and put it on the joint. You take Fro, knees hurting, and put him doing lunges...and on a smith machine.
1 - You know the program. You also know that thre are only 3 working sets for each "group" per workout. SO that is TOO much stress? As far as the Smith Machine goes - you don't like it. Fine. Tell me how smith lunges "restrict" the natural joint movement of a straight up and down.....movement
kills it for YOU. That is the key point exactly. Give Fro a little credit, please. Why don't you state a resaon why Machines are not superior for muscle isolation with respect to bodybuilding. AGIN, for the millionth time...this is from a bb approach
"I never said anything to the contrary - only that you lost from 315 to 285."
BUT you used that statement to say that I was big despite my training methods...AND that I would be bigger if I used machines...and to discredit my training methods. YOU would gain from doing events...it would be something heavy and with total free weights.
Again my friend. YOU were the one that stated "I lost size when I began strongman training.". If you meant you lost bodyfat...why didn't you say that you got leaner??? Again - that conversation was in reference to the original program. ONCE again you seem to have gotten that mixed up somehow.
"If you are referring to the NEWER workout I gave to Fro - please show me where I said it was a size and strength program.....why not be strong on every exercise??? "
Ok...so are you saying that it is for strength and size or not? Why not be strong on smith machine bench or smith machine squats or bench push ups? Because they are worthless. They do not work the body like they are intended to be worked...freely. They restrict the range of motion that a joint can go through. You also said this..."I said this was a great program for size with the added benefit of strength."
Interesting that on many World's Strongest Man comps I have seen the Smith Machine Squat used as a test of strength. Correct?? SO if you KNEW that would be an event - you would not train directly for it??
You mentioned being strong on concentration curls was not "your" idea of being strong. I simply asked why not attempt to build strength on EVERY exercise you do?? Not simply on the larger lifts?
Bench push up? Give me a break. The guy has no incline/decline. Not pertinent to the discussion and you dang well know it. That comment is SO off topic it shouldn't even be addressed.
"Wasn't my point....my point was that she is on a program that advocates the SAME exercises - squats deads and presses."
Wasn't your point? You used the fact that she does squats, deads, and presses to advocate your method because it includes the same exercises. If you would like to infer that just because the two programs include a couple of the same qualities that they are equal...you are wrong. My truck has 4 wheels and so does my father's 1938 Olds...yet there is a big difference in the transportation methods which they provide. Like I showed...I could train squats, bench, and deads 7 days a week and it would have the same lifts as yours...but STILL would not be a good one.
But we weren't training them 7 days a week were we?? The number of sets, reps per set and working sets per week are pretty equal. Except for the 10x10 on deads...did you mean on squats and benches as well??
"I saw a pic of you doing inclines - why do them if they don't matter on contest day? "
I'll post a pic of me doing the incline log press from a contest soon. Do you mean the 2 sets of inclines I did by the way? I said why do 10 sets of upper chest and side delts if they didn't make a hill of beans worth of difference on contest day? Inclines do work as an auxillary exercise to the overhead log press (which I set a PR in on Sunday).
You mentioned the incline press as a worthless exercise come contest day...not me. SO you feels that you get maximum strength benefit from 2 sets? How many warm-ups, if any, did you do?
"LOL - Whatever.......that's fine. My program, again was a size program primarily with an added benefit of increased strength."
Thought that you weren't interested in strength?
What part of Size with benefit of strength do you not comprende??
"Agian - you pull these statements out of the air. Show me WHERE I said you were being close minded, please..... "
I deleted the PM where you called me close minded...or I would post it.
Again - you are wrong. Fro said that about you being close minded and it is still posted on a thread. Not me fella.
Ok - then do you change your program or not?? What do you mean taken out of the program...especially for size. You think moving a "mass builder" to the end of a workout diminished it's effectiveness??
"...show me where I recommended a Smith Machine 3 times per week
... Squatting was TWICE per week for a total of 6 working sets. You think that that is too many sets??"
Squatting twice per week and deadlifts once or twice a week too? How many times a week are you doing pressing movements in the Old School Routine? Don't think I said you suggested the Smith Machine 3x a week. You suggested the Smith Machine though...that is bad enough. Smith Lunges, Smith bench press, that just kills it for me. You take stress off of the muscle and put it on the joint. You take Fro, knees hurting, and put him doing lunges...and on a smith machine.
1 - You know the program. You also know that thre are only 3 working sets for each "group" per workout. SO that is TOO much stress? As far as the Smith Machine goes - you don't like it. Fine. Tell me how smith lunges "restrict" the natural joint movement of a straight up and down.....movement
kills it for YOU. That is the key point exactly. Give Fro a little credit, please. Why don't you state a resaon why Machines are not superior for muscle isolation with respect to bodybuilding. AGIN, for the millionth time...this is from a bb approach
"I never said anything to the contrary - only that you lost from 315 to 285."
BUT you used that statement to say that I was big despite my training methods...AND that I would be bigger if I used machines...and to discredit my training methods. YOU would gain from doing events...it would be something heavy and with total free weights.
Again my friend. YOU were the one that stated "I lost size when I began strongman training.". If you meant you lost bodyfat...why didn't you say that you got leaner??? Again - that conversation was in reference to the original program. ONCE again you seem to have gotten that mixed up somehow.
"If you are referring to the NEWER workout I gave to Fro - please show me where I said it was a size and strength program.....why not be strong on every exercise??? "
Ok...so are you saying that it is for strength and size or not? Why not be strong on smith machine bench or smith machine squats or bench push ups? Because they are worthless. They do not work the body like they are intended to be worked...freely. They restrict the range of motion that a joint can go through. You also said this..."I said this was a great program for size with the added benefit of strength."
Interesting that on many World's Strongest Man comps I have seen the Smith Machine Squat used as a test of strength. Correct?? SO if you KNEW that would be an event - you would not train directly for it??
You mentioned being strong on concentration curls was not "your" idea of being strong. I simply asked why not attempt to build strength on EVERY exercise you do?? Not simply on the larger lifts?
Bench push up? Give me a break. The guy has no incline/decline. Not pertinent to the discussion and you dang well know it. That comment is SO off topic it shouldn't even be addressed.
"Wasn't my point....my point was that she is on a program that advocates the SAME exercises - squats deads and presses."
Wasn't your point? You used the fact that she does squats, deads, and presses to advocate your method because it includes the same exercises. If you would like to infer that just because the two programs include a couple of the same qualities that they are equal...you are wrong. My truck has 4 wheels and so does my father's 1938 Olds...yet there is a big difference in the transportation methods which they provide. Like I showed...I could train squats, bench, and deads 7 days a week and it would have the same lifts as yours...but STILL would not be a good one.
But we weren't training them 7 days a week were we?? The number of sets, reps per set and working sets per week are pretty equal. Except for the 10x10 on deads...did you mean on squats and benches as well??
"I saw a pic of you doing inclines - why do them if they don't matter on contest day? "
I'll post a pic of me doing the incline log press from a contest soon. Do you mean the 2 sets of inclines I did by the way? I said why do 10 sets of upper chest and side delts if they didn't make a hill of beans worth of difference on contest day? Inclines do work as an auxillary exercise to the overhead log press (which I set a PR in on Sunday).
You mentioned the incline press as a worthless exercise come contest day...not me. SO you feels that you get maximum strength benefit from 2 sets? How many warm-ups, if any, did you do?
"LOL - Whatever.......that's fine. My program, again was a size program primarily with an added benefit of increased strength."
Thought that you weren't interested in strength?
What part of Size with benefit of strength do you not comprende??
"Agian - you pull these statements out of the air. Show me WHERE I said you were being close minded, please..... "
I deleted the PM where you called me close minded...or I would post it.
Again - you are wrong. Fro said that about you being close minded and it is still posted on a thread. Not me fella.