So right now I’m 204lbs at about 8-10% body fat.
I’m hopping on a cycle for my show coming up this is what I got so far.
Weeks 1-12 - test prop 100mg/eod
Eq - 200mg/2x a week
Weeks 4-12 - tren ace 50mg/eod
Mast prop 50mg/eod
Weeks 6-12 Anavar 50mg/Ed
Weeks 8-12 Winstrol 50mg/Ed
So for the compounds what you guys think? You think I should run test e first 4 weeks? I’ve done about 3 cycles before this isn’t my first, I know the tren and eq may be doses low but that’s by design.
Should I add arimidex? I was thinking halo the last two weeks but scrapped that idea. The pinning is irrelevant I’ve done it before it doesn’t bother me with eod for 12 weeks.
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I’m hopping on a cycle for my show coming up this is what I got so far.
Weeks 1-12 - test prop 100mg/eod
Eq - 200mg/2x a week
Weeks 4-12 - tren ace 50mg/eod
Mast prop 50mg/eod
Weeks 6-12 Anavar 50mg/Ed
Weeks 8-12 Winstrol 50mg/Ed
So for the compounds what you guys think? You think I should run test e first 4 weeks? I’ve done about 3 cycles before this isn’t my first, I know the tren and eq may be doses low but that’s by design.
Should I add arimidex? I was thinking halo the last two weeks but scrapped that idea. The pinning is irrelevant I’ve done it before it doesn’t bother me with eod for 12 weeks.
Sent from my iPhone using EliteFitness