^^^ my profile page. that pic was taken 1 month before my current cycle. I have other pics on my page from my past bulkers and cutters. post cycle pics coming too
just 500mg test a week is my current cycle.
current stats are 5'6" 180 with 11.3% bf .. in that pic I was 184 with 13% bf.
bench is currently 325 for 3 reps.
squat just made a PR of 405 for 6 reps last monday
actual lifts not what i do on the smith machine or girl squats.
current 1 mile time is 5:45, back when i was a runner though it was sub 4:30
what other stats u interested in?
I'm not hear to fuck around or give shitty advice. if someone isn't ready to cycle I tell them point blank. just like I am a powerlifting judge for high school and if the kids don't do a proper jerk and press the bar instead of sticking it properly i don't award them their lift. does it hurt their feelings? it shouldn't. what good is doing it wrong when they go to state and don't have their lifts count cause some judge back home credited them with an improper lift?
the OP ran 2 cycles and is still unhappy with his progress. so my recommendation is fixing his diet. no steroid is gonna cut you up. at his height he is a good 30 pounds overweight give or take 5-10 pounds depending on muscle mass. and on the flipside if he weighed 145 pounds I would tell him to bulk up first before cycling. I am always here to help anyone who wants to bulk or cut using their diet. its the most powerful thing out there and it way easier than people think. the problem is most guys don't know how to eat properly so when they don't get results they give up or keep taking different steroids, instead of fixing the root problem. RADAR and I are pro's at getting anyone's diet in place, just PM either one of us and we will gladly help