Day 7
Ok so instead of my usual 1,5,1 interval training on the bag I thought I'd try this new thing. It's basically a circuit with relatively heavy weights, instead of doing a set number of reps and sets you aim for a certain number of reps which can be done in as many sets as needed. After one set you move on to the next exercise then the next and so in until you've done the required amount of reps per exercise then do a couple of bodyweight exercises for as many reps as possible for 60 seconds each. Then 2 mins rest and back to circuit but with different exercises.
First circuit:
Bench press 31 reps in 5 sets 100 kg
Chin ups 21 reps in 5 sets BW
Squat 35 reps in 4 sets BW
Barbell row 25 reps in 3 sets 75 kg
1 minute of burpees
30 secs rest
1 minute squat thrusts
Second circuit:
Incline bench 22 reps in 3 sets 80 kg
Deadlift 15 reps in 3 sets bar only
Upright row 21 reps in 3 sets 50kg
Lunges 22 reps in 2 sets BW
Total reps 192 I was aiming for 210 but had to stop as something happened on the last set of upright row, I seem to have strained something in my upper back. So I stopped and stretched my back out, rolled it on the sponge roller. I'm gonna get my girl to walk on my back later on tonight. I hope this doesn't get in the way of my pull session tomorrow or kickboxing on Thursday.
It was a killer workout, I worked up a right old sweat and the burpees and squat thrusts made me gasp!
F**kin loved it!!!