I think that the grip width has to be proportional to the rest of your body. I use about a 10" or so width, with my pinkies just onto the knurling, I'm also rather tall and broad shouldered. For someone smaller to get the correct angle, they might have to decrease the grip width... A guy I know is about 5'7" and 6" width for close grip bench works well for him.. I took notice of where my outer wrists were proportional to my shoulders, and noticed that when my arms are fully extended in a close grip bench movement, the outside of my hand (pinkie finger) is about 4 - 4.5" inside of my shoulder.... ie, draw a straight line perpendicular to the floor past your shoulder, and when it gets to your hand height, your hand should be about 4" inside of this line.... dunno if that makes any sense to you guys, but thats waht I noticed, and I don't get any wrist pain at all.
give that a try, and let me know how it feels...