view said:The part where daisy said you need taurine cannot be overlooked. If you don't use taurine you will end up having a huge fat rebound after a bit. taurine is responisble for t4-t3 conversion in the liver (i'm sure we all know how important t3 is) and clen depletes taurine levels like no other drug. Just keep that in mind. that said, of all the fat burners i've used, clen is probably the most effective, but it comes with some pretty strong sides, for me, namely my bp.
This needs to be read again - I didn't stress it enough in my post. Thank you for explaining further.
But, I will disagree on the most effective fat burner. It is all individual - like I mentioned, I find TRex more helpful. But that is simply my experience with it. Some people love it, some don't. But it is certainly not the end-all-be-all of fat burning! Not only that, but I did not find Clen anabolic at all.
The poster's GF should not expect miracles - the results are 100% diet and training dependent. Clen would only be a bit of icing on top of that. ANd it does not come without sides.