Hey guys..could someone please give me so basic info on starting the CKD diet. I work 3rd shift. Lift mornings after work. Mon-Friday. Pretty much lost with all this. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
BTW I'm 27,6'0",225,20-25%BF. so
If someone could help me out with calculating my macros for the CKD. Also explain when to carb up. And do I eat just protein after my workouts? Like my protein shake? Just lost guys. Lol. Much help needed. Thanks!
Anytime man, I used that and most of the info is pretty decent. It's a good overview... If you need specific help then try a search, or just chuck questions in here..
I'm no expert by any means, but I've used keto a few times and it works magic if done right.
Just stay dedicated and it'll pay off brother. Goodluck!
Thanks a LOT BackToBasics! Much appreciated! I have both of Lyle McDonalds, one of which is mentioned in this blog! Very interesting stuff, so much on there and extremely detailed. Since you've tried it and say its good, I am surely looking forward to this! Many thanks again