February 24 2006
weight 137.8
height 5'5
bf% 24.2
neck 32cm
shoulders 104cm
abs 1 75 cm
abs 2 88 cm
butt 95 cm
right thigh 56 cm
Weight 136.80
Height 5'5
BF% 15.90%
Tricep 12.0mm
Iliac 10.0mm
Thigh 14.0mm
Left Arm 28.7cm
Right Arm 28.5cm
Shoulders 105cm
Chest 90.3cm
Waist 76cm
Abs 81,6cm
Hips 92.5cm
Right Thigh 52.6cm
Left Thigh 53.3cm
Right Calf 37.2cm
Left Calf 37.6cm
I have to start becoming focused if I want to do this competition so I am logging again, too busy or not it is getting too close and failure is not an option.
If I start to wonder off track, feel free to kick my butt, smack me upside the head, yell, scream PLEASE! so for tomorrow.....
July 21, 2006
4x8 (she has determined the weight I will do)
Leg extension 120 (did 90)
leg curl 80
leg press 300
toe press 300
seated calf raise 200 = (not even close did 50)
back extension 3x8
seated one arm row = 48
db on arm bent over row = 25
Cardio: 60 minutes on treadmill
1.5 cups of oatmeal
2 egss
1 grapefruit
1/2 cup of yogurt
1/2 cup skim milk
1.4 cup cottage cheese
2 whole wheat bread
2 cups of rice
1 grapefruit
1/2 carrots
1 can of tuna
6 melba
1 apple
1/4 cup of tuna
2/4 salmon
1/2 cup of yogurt
1 cup skim milk
1 cup green beans
I have to start becoming focused if I want to do this competition so I am logging again, too busy or not it is getting too close and failure is not an option.
If I start to wonder off track, feel free to kick my butt, smack me upside the head, yell, scream PLEASE! so for tomorrow.....
It is bodybuilding with the CNBB, competition is September 16th, I have some leway cause if I don't make that one, there is one on October 7th with ABBA.