Are you working really hard to up your poundages?
I suggest you try doing only two exercises total, three tops. Four to five seems like a bit much, even when you hit the pecs only once a week.
My favorites would have to be low-incline bench presses (30-35 degrees) and parallel dips. I would do two pressing movements and maybe one fly-type exercise...I probably have a higher opinion of fly movements than many at EF, but I do follow the masses in that I think if you drill two presses hard, flies are really just going to drain your ability to recover.
Do as many warm-up sets as you need to, but in your shoes, I'd keep the reps on those low and just focus on working up to the most weight you can handle for two very hard work sets, 6-10 reps to total failure.
After you start to stall on your strength gains with those two exercises, switch them. Try low decline presses (and lower the bar to your sternum, NOT your upper abs, for a full range of motion) and maybe 45 degree incline press with DBs. Or better yet, do some quality machine presses...IMO, Hammer Strength stuff is top-notch. Strive and Icarian is supposedly very good too.
Work on those for a couple of months, trying to do more weight, reps, or both in every workout, but try to keep your form clean, too...do slow negatives. Do work to failure. Your chest will grow like crazy.
I think after *that* stalls, you might give a DC-style consolidated routine a shot, which will entail a further reduction in volume but increased workout frequency/bodypart.
Pay more attention to what your chest *looks* like after a few weeks...if you add a lot of size, the tape will tell the tale, but most of a chest measurement is actually measuring the thickness of your back. I've known guys with very good pecs that only registered a 45" measurement or so, and I'm not very easily impressed!