It looks sound- your working all the necessary musclegroups and exercises.
I think 2-3 week rotations on the jumps works better, maybe altitude drops, low intensity jumps, depth jumps, low intensity jumps, repeat. Start low work up.
But I'm not a fan of this shotgun cookie cutter type approach. And I think your doing too much each day.
It would be better to figure out where your lacking first - strength, speed or reactivty with certain tests. And then attack your weakness while you maintain your other qualities, and then retest and then work your new weakness etc.
You will gain faster like this, rather than doing everything at the same time.
This is a test from DBhammer
compare your vertical jump to your depth jump - with various height boxes, from low to high - and figure out which gives you the highest jump.
for example - 90cm vertical jump
50cm drop/92 cm reactive jump or depth jump
65cm drop/ 95 cm RJ
80 cm drop/ 97 cm RJ
95 cm drop/ 99 cm RJ
105 cm drop/ 98 cm RJ
100 cm drop/ 96 cm RJ
your greatest RJ height was attained at a 95cm drop(99cm RJ)- for this example. With this test, figure out where you stand:
(1) Your vertical will be greater than your RJ ability.
(2) Your vertical will be less than your RJ ability
(3) Your vertical will be equal to your RJ ability.
Now, if your situation is #1 then you need to incorporate more speed work (under 50% stuff and jumps/and rapid fire plyos) and explosive stuff (50-70% explosive lifts and olys, depthjumps, altitude drops)
But, if your situation is #2 then you need to take a closer look
(a) Your RJ ability will spike early and then decay late(i.e. best RJ at nil cm drop all the way to 90cm+ drop without a gain or loss).
(b) Your RJ ability will rise in relation to the drop-height
If your situation is (a) then you need to introduce more explosive power work as detailed above
If your situation is (b) then you need to concentrate more on the Max Strength, moderate to high rep work, and speed type work as detailed above.
ie fairly balanced
if your vertical equals your RJ ability(#3) then you need to take a "lop-sided" approach(note: this situation poses the greatest potential for immediate gains, of which will quickly lead into a situation (b)
For some this will mean concentration of strength and explosive power work
For others this will mean concentration of speed and explosive power work.
The determinent is to recognize at what point your RJ ability decayed with repect to drop height - Was it above or below your VJ height?
The more your RJ ability hit peak above a height equal to your VJ height the more strength work should be employed in your lop-sided approach.
the lower your RJ peak in relation to the drop height equal to your VJ height the more the need for speed and explosive power work.
Once you have this info you can then taylor your program to suit. You can keep the Westside structure, but test results will be a clearer guide as to what exercises you select on the various days and what you will spend more time on etc. You can't do everything at once and do it justice without overtraining your CNS, so you ahve to be selective and go for bangs for the bucks, depending on the test results.
If you retest yourself every 2-3 weeks that would be good I think
Also remeber never do speed type work as detailed above (not the same as explosive power work) on the same day as strength work. It won't be as effective - either do it by itself or you can do it with explosive power work.
So that means on your DE days, either do speed by itself or with explosive power work, but don't add in strength or repetition method lifts.
But you can do explosive power work with strength and repetition lifts.