I can't stand doing cardio especially first thing in the morning. I have not energy to work out and get very board running and going nowwhere for 30 mins and my joints hurt me when i am jogging. So does anybody enjoy doing cardio and what can you do to get through it?
Jeez dude, every day, i mean like EVERY day, you have some complaint, or have some hair-brained crazy question abot how to make things easier.
Some of your recent ones...
Cardio Sucks! Who Hates Cardio?
What Do You All Do To Fight Cardio Boredom?
Do I Need To Diet To Lose Fat??
What's Everyone's Favorite Meal Replacement Bar?
Will Jogging With A Sweater Make You Raise Your Body Temperture More?
Look, let me give you a general piece if advice ...
Training and getting ripped is NOT easy. It takes discpline, dedication, being able to show restraint and NOT eat, being able to work through hunger, and cardio, and various things.
If you want EASY then grab a Big Mac, some fries, and a beer, and sit on the couch.
Look, nothing personal, but you just seem to keep putting your energy into complaining, and whining, and trying to find SOME way to make this all "easy". Its not. If you want easy - go to Blockbuster, rent a video, go to Wendy's, get a few burgers and then go home and sit on the couch.
If you choose to relax and have it easy, then FINE. Its your choice, you made it, dont complain. You choose to sit on the couch and get fat and eat whatever you want, fine, Your choice.
If you choose to have a fit body, whether that is big, or ripped, or whatever, then YOU CHOOSE what it is, with all of the good and bad that goes with it. ACCEPT YOUR DECISION.
But please, stop "grasping" for ways to make this all "easy". Its not. You can make it easiER, but there will always be a price to pay. YOU need to focus on that and decide whether or not you want to make that choice.
Nothing personal man, you are probably a good guy. I just hate to see you placing all of the energy and effort into the wrong stuff.
If you are deciding to be fit, or ripped, or big, or whatever, then COOL. DEAL WITH THE DESICISON AND THE RAMIFCATIONS OF IT. If you can't, then stop torturing yourself and go re-visit your choices.