I believe the theory behind it is... well your metabolism slows when you are sleeping... so you can gain more fat... and you don't want an insulin spike before that... also... when you sleep you release growth hormone... but insulin can interfere with it...
just eat like pure portein and maybe a bit of fat anywhere in the time period of 4 to 0 hours before bed....
well if its works as well as its supposed to at increasing insulin sensitivity id say it would if you have carbs...hypoglycemia increases GH response so why not.....
dpends on what time u go to bed, 8 pm to me is like 4 pm to others. its 10 oclock and im about to go work on my car and do a little laundry. I wont be in bed till 2 prolly, wake up @ 12 and start it all over...
yeah I usually go to bed between 11 and midnite so I have my last meal...right now 2 chicken breast and 2 serving of saurcraut or 2 serving of around 10PM...