chris says, "omg, omg omg that was so amazing. YOU are so amazing."
"no, YOU are amazing. i was afraid you wouldn't know it was me in the airport."
"that's silly, of course i'd know you."
"Do i look like what you thought i'd look like?"
"I don't know, i need to see you without your clothes."
They go back to smurfy's place.
inside, she shows him where to put his stuff down, in her bedroom. He puts his stuff down, and starts kissing her again. within minutes, they are naked and going at it.
afterwards they both lay there, because neither one wants to be the first one to get up and walk across the room under the scrutiny of the other. Finally chris gets up and goes into the bathroom. Smurfy puts on his tshirt (which, frankly, stunk from being on a plane ride and being doused with cologne) and waits for him. She says, "are you hungry?" and he admits he's really thirsty, then says that his shirt looks cute on her. He rubs her cheek with his finger, lightly.
"You're so beautiful," he says.
"So are you." she replies back.
Then chris says, "OH! i have something for you!" and goes into his bag and pulls out (insert food item). She laughs and says, "well i have something for you!"
and goes to her night table and pulls out a cock ring.
lol @ food item and cock ring.