so anyway.
chris is in the bathroom, on the morning of day 2. He looks at her toothbrush and thinks about the germs...
he opts to brush his teeth with a generous amount of toothpaste on his finger, then pours some mouthwash into the bathroom cup (dude, that's germ city too, wtf?) and finishes with that.
He finds smurfy in the kitchen, making them eggs for breakfast.
"good morning" he says, and hugs her.
Sure of his minty breath, they kiss, and she says, "sit down. i made breakfast."
"mmmmm... looks good. i'm starving!"
"Sexy time will do that to you," she says.
"Do you have ketchup?"
Smurfy goes and gets it from the fridge, noticing that teh boy has left globs of dried ketchup all over the opening around the cap, which is what boys do.
"thanks," chris says, pouring TONS of it all over his eggs, then rinsing it off in the sink.
Smurfy notices he cleaned the bottle, but decides not to make an excuse for the crusty bottle. it's only ketchup after all. too fucking bad. besides, why the hell did he just drown my eggs in ketchup?
"What do you want to do today?" she asks.
"I don't care."
"How'd you sleep?"
"Great. I was so tired. You?"
"Good. It felt good to sleep with you."
"Hey," Smurfy says. "want to go bowling later?"
"Sure. I don't care. I suck at bowling."
"It'll be fun," smurfy says, knowing she's gonna kick his ass at bowling.
"I thought maybe I'd make you dinner tonight?" smurfy says, gathering up the plates and putting them in the sink.
"Okay. Cool." Chris answers, wondering why she doesn't just put them in the dishwasher.
"but tomorrow night, i'm taking you out to dinner."
the time on the kitchen clock reads 10:18am.