Finally, they have a good picture of them kissing.
"Post it," chris says.
"wait, I want to crop it."
Smurfy uploads the picture, crops it, posts it.
Smurfy browses chat, then hits refresh to see if anyone has responded to their picture. nobody has yet, so she goes back to reading threads.
Chris's stomach has been making noises. he's afraid smurfy will hear, so he leans back on the couch, the remote digging into his shoulder. Chris turns on the TV. Tyra banks. News, Judge joe brown, news, news, cartoons, commmercial, cooking. religion, news, talk.
Jesus christ, pick something, smurfy thinks.
"Awww, Pdaddy posted pictures of his girl. She's so cute."
Chris's stomach makes a loud creeking noise. "oh yeah?"
Smurfy hits refresh again. No reply to the picture.
"Ha ha... Pick3 posted a picture of a huge fat man and he's pretending it's him."
"Probably is," says chris.
"I know, right. I don't know what he looks like."
"I don't think anyone does."
"Stilleto says he's hot," smurfy says.
"And you believe her?"
Smurfy chuckles and hit's refresh.
"Oh my god, dial tone replied to the picture."
Chris realizes he has to use the bathroom. "what did he say?"
"Hold on. It's loading.... ha ha... he said, 'I can't even tell what that is.'"
"Oh, bullshit," chris replies, standing up. "how can you not tell what that is?"
Smurfy hits refresh again.
"I gotta go use your bathroom." Chris says, while his stomach makes a loud noise.
Well if that wasn't a dead give away, he thinks.
Inside the bathroom, chris turns on the water to mask the noise. he sits down on the toilet and picks up a video game magazine that must be teh boys.
What the fuck is he doing in the bathroom for 20 minutes? smurfy thinks.
Tyra banks is showing jeans that make your booty look good. "alright!"