the kidney's won't be fixed directly by fasting, but the good news is that when you stop using steroids we have seen the studies that show most people will bounce back. we discuss this in the flex wheeler podcast
It's interesting you should mention that Stevesmi
my kidneys kind of feel weird (not continuously, just a super brief moment of discomfort) im hoping it's just from the lots of calories im consuming having recently stopped my cycle... yet I still have a real big appetite, and from all the food and juice im taking in & the resulting defecation--... my stomach, and related like the kidneys and liver are all in overdrive...(so im drinking lots of water, andd am hoping it goes away and is temprorary)
2 days ago I watched him conduct a long interview in London on ytube, it was like a biography special
in it he talks about a horrific ordeal with kidney transplant....etc., dialysis and the havoc and extreme pain on his body
when is your Flex Wheeler podcast
In fact, it's strange that he did metnion at one point alcohol does have the potential to kill if consumed in a short while, the same w/ birth control pills consumed in a short while, but juice won't do that.... it might cause long term problems, ... but there's surgery for that (as if surgery was an option)