Hey Trap! Off the cuff... I'd say stick to the usual clean foods and simply increase the amounts, and possibly even frequency. Not exactly sure about a clean bulk, I have yet to get there (september 2006, because '05 was a dirty bulk... never again!)... I hope Mr. X can chime in for ya! Good luck broham!
just eat loads of meat, pasta, rice, oats, fruit and veg, cottage cheese, milk. add EFA`s too to protein shakes. getting 3500-4000 clean cals a day is easy if your organised.
I agree with MassiveMonster. Here's another more scientific and calculated approach from the X man himself, Mr.X ... clean bulking article from his site
Mr.X also has a sticky in this diet forum regarding bulking, from which I found that article.
Bro I use 2 ibs of lean groundbeef the 97 - 3 stuff. cook it up with some teryaki sauce and go at it that alone is 200 grams of protien and 0 carbs good clean food
An easy way to add "clean" calories is simply up your protein shakes during the day. Typically one scoop is 100 calories, 20 or so gr. of protein. Simply take in a couple 2 scoop shakes in addition to meals, and voila'.....400 added calories. Add some heavy cream and jack it up nicely.