Guld, yes, I have tiny joints, the wrist pain is controlable on the close grip presses but I have to wrap my wrists up pretty tight, especially on the partial reps. My triceps were a weak point at one time, but by beating them with close grip presses and weighted dips, plus every high intesity technique I can find, they finally started growing. Then again, when I started training a little over three years ago I had like 11 or 12" arms, so maybe `8" isn't so bad. I'm probably not overtraining, I rarely do more than 2 or 3 sets per bodypart in a given week, although my chest and shoulder workouts seem to tax my tri's just as much as my tricep workout. Part of the problem is small joints, the other part is that I overtrained my biceps for a good year and a half before I finally realized that maybe 20 sets for bi's twice a week was getting me nowhere. I gained about 1/2 on them in 6 weeks, and then when over a year without any change in size. My thighs seem to be the only thing that seems to grow regardless of overtraining or training method used.
Yeah, my proportions make them look about an inch smaller than they should. I'm dieting now so suddenly people think my triceps are larger. I've got high triceps so unless I'm pretty lean I think it makes my arms look a bit smaller than they are.
Currenty stats (haven't checked bf lately, but ten weeks out now from a photo shoot, so I'm dieting pretty hard):
Chest 50-51"
arms 18
waist 32
thighs 28.5-29
calves 18 (I have to detrain them a bit to keep them under 18.5 so that my arms are in proportion)
weight 214 this morning