lol Thanks! I need to focus on going a little deeper with the squats....I'm not hitting the booty and hams enough it seems.
I'm OK with cravings surprisingly....I'm feeling really focused.
I have dumped some water cuz I'm noticing more vascularity. I still feel like a fatty though, but that will change I know.
Really need to up my daily water intake.
Felt horrible this morning
Throat hurt, swollen glands, didn't sleep worth a shit.....went back to bed and woke up feeling a little better around noon.
1:00: 1 scoop whey + 1/3 cup oats
4:00: 4 slices turkey on whole wheat wrap
6:00: 2 oz cashews
8:30: 1/2 cup brown rice, 5 egg whites
lol Thanks! I need to focus on going a little deeper with the squats....I'm not hitting the booty and hams enough it seems.
I'm OK with cravings surprisingly....I'm feeling really focused. I have dumped some water cuz I'm noticing more vascularity. I still feel like a fatty though, but that will change I know.
Really need to up my daily water intake.
^^ same page 100%
Nice workout for being a sickling.
Take care & FEEL better!
When I started squatting atf, when I sit parallel it is harder than if I sit a little lower (just below). Sometimes I cannot get the weight up unless I go deep and drive the summabtich up through my heels. The weight transfer & leg positioning WILL take the pressure of your knee but many people still do not like to go too deep. Maybe try it with a light weight to see if you can feel the change.