also short sprinting sessions after back/traps and delt/tris. I will most likely box on my rest days to help in flexability and active recovery. short intense rounds, probably go to 2minute rounds for five rounds on heavy bag, then 2 rounds on mits and two shadow boxing about 18 minutes total ring time and 9 minutes rest for a whopping total of 27minutes for cardio
Hammer I am going to be using 14oz-18oz gloves to workout with. Also, I will be shadow boxing with wraps on and doing ring footwork with boots
Thaibox looks like this
D1 back/traps sprint
D2 Chest/bis
D3 rest/box
D4 Delts/tris Sprint
D5 Legs/calves
D6 Box
D7 Repeat or rest depending on how I feel