- compound sets, isolation immediately followed by compound exercise,
- little or no rest between these sets
- have a spotter assit in 3 forced reps folowed by 3 negatives when possible than move to the second compound set
- 2 * 8 reps for every exercise in a superstrict 3-0-1-2 tempo unlles otherwise specified
Crossbench dumbell pullover - Close parallel grip pulldown
Medium grip pulldown - Close reverse grip pulldown
(use same weight)
Barbell row – Reverse grip barbell row (use same weight)
Cable row – T-bar row
1 arm cable row – Dumbell row
stldl - deadlift (use same weight)
4-0-2-0 tempo, do not allow the barbell to touch the floor during deads or stldeads....
train stldl and dl on a seperate day together with hamstrings
- compound sets, isolation immediately followed by compound exercise,
- little or no rest between these sets
- have a spotter assit in 3 forced reps folowed by 3 negatives when possible than move to the second compound set
- 2 * 8 reps for every exercise in a superstrict 3-0-1-2 tempo unlles otherwise specified
Crossbench dumbell pullover - Close parallel grip pulldown
Medium grip pulldown - Close reverse grip pulldown
(use same weight)
Barbell row – Reverse grip barbell row (use same weight)
Cable row – T-bar row
1 arm cable row – Dumbell row
stldl - deadlift (use same weight)
4-0-2-0 tempo, do not allow the barbell to touch the floor during deads or stldeads....
train stldl and dl on a seperate day together with hamstrings