Years ago, I remember reading a segment in his book..."do you get upset or angry if you can't have your favorite carb food?" I thought, "no, of course not- I'm not addicted to carbs."
Then only a few days later, I was out for my daily bike ride on the beach- and ALWAYS stopped for a fro-yo

....and they were closed! Hadn't realized it was a holiday! Boy was I mad... and then I thought of what I read in the book a few days earlier- so I gave the diet a try.
2 probs: 1. I had already become accustomed to the 5-6 meals/day, and his high at calories add up fast- found it hard to keep my calories in check w/ high fat foods, and...
2. he doesn't really go in detail about how insulin sensitive you will be if you discontinue this type of eating & go directly to carbs... I should've taken longer to adjust (a week)... only took a few days, so I gained fast- lotsa water, but still feels awful.
Good things about the diet: completely broke my addiction to bread & daily frozen yogurt... even to this day, I never eat either of them.