Madd Hatter
New member
Well, the deal is this: I'm 6'2", 168lbs, 11.17% body fat. The fat is ALL in my gut, it's huge. My arms are completely scrawny. My biceps are probably about 11in, and my wrists are smaller than my girlfriends. My only goal really is to look better... much better, so my gf can stand to look at me....or other women too j/k. I want to get rid of my gut, but at the same time add some mass to my arms/chest. I was thinking maybe I'd do neither cut or bulk, just eat decently, lots of protein, no cardio? So far I'm only getting 100-120g of protein, and it's almost all in shakes/bars. But that's about twice as much as I was getting before I started working out.
I've recently started doing workout splits, and I'm paranoid that I'm not hitting everything well enough. For example, when I do tris/chest, my tris are sore afterwards (mildly), but I feel nothing in my chest, and when I do all other muscle groups, I feel nothing afterwards. So far on a 3-day split each group is getting hit 1- 1.5x a week. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give.
I've recently started doing workout splits, and I'm paranoid that I'm not hitting everything well enough. For example, when I do tris/chest, my tris are sore afterwards (mildly), but I feel nothing in my chest, and when I do all other muscle groups, I feel nothing afterwards. So far on a 3-day split each group is getting hit 1- 1.5x a week. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give.