Lets do real talk a sec...
All you guys know I'm into bodybuilding, juicing, improving my physique, etc. in my head, I still have that mentality, X grams of protein, carbs, and fat per day. Fasting and juicing, that's something for white dudes with dreads...right???
I wanted to try it for a few reasons:
1) could I do it and not want to gnaw my arm off?
2) how did it make me feel?
3)would it impress chicks?
The answers are:
1) yes, it's not bad at all really I enjoyed it
2) it did make me feel good. I don't feel like going out and running a marathon. It's kind of like that empty shredded feel you get when you wake up hung over except without the hangover.
3) they were all impressed and wanted my cawk (Dabuff see how easy that was).
Honestly - Dabuff, common sense and logic would dictate everything you said is correct and makes complete sense, however...
Soul - I side with you on this, until you actually do it for yourself, and challenge yourself, you don't know how you'll feel. It does feel good and it was only a day, makes me think I can do more days in a row which is why I'm going to buy a juicer and give it a go.
Sorry buff, everything I've been taught and know about health and nutrition tells me to side with you logically, but I'm glad I tried it and I like the way I feel. Stop being such a panty waste virgin fuck tard know it all stunned cunt and try it yourself.
Ok that was uncalled for, you're a good bro, but seriously give it a try.