Hi, b! Whattup?!
I'm going to take some space here and post a brief of what we did last Friday and last night. Hope it doesn't bore the pants off of you! I must say that I do feel sooooooo unbelievably fortunate to be able to be trained by both Tod and Julie. You're right, they're great people!
Here's what we did last Friday: Log Clean and Press / Axle Clean and Press
I'm the only chick training and performed the Axel. The guys used the Log.
I was able to do: 75lbs X 12, X 10 w/in 1:15
Tire/Apollon's Axle Deadlifts: 195x15 w/in 1:15
Tire Drag: 145lbs for 70ft - 1:11
As for this damn drag, we're dragging rubber (tire) on rubber (gym floor mats). Whoa. Very fun!
Last night: Yoke
Since we're performing this all in a gym, there isn't much room for one long walk, so we have to include turns. We walk 120ft that includes 4-turns.
Warm up with 200lbs.
250lbs in 1:03:16 / 1:13 (the second set sucked as I almost lost my footing - timing is key. As you probably know. You can't rush or the yoke will begin to swing and you lose footing AND valuable seconds)
Tire Flips: 320lb tire
10-flips (two turns) - :50:71 / :50:94 (however, that's really 48:94, Tod shaved off 2-seconds since Julie was telling me that I was done. The guys were performing 8-flips with the 475lb tire, and she forgot I was doin' 10-flips).
Deadlift Hold: Three 45lb plates on ea. side: 43:55 (ah, shit. Totally sucked on this one. I didn't better my previous time of 48:42).
Man, this has been a blast. What alot of people don't realize is that you can have all the strength in the world, but if you're not mentally prepared, all that strength won't matter. Gotta be mentally tough. That's for sure.
Julie and Tod have been sick, too. I recommended some Chinese herbal tea that I use whenever I'm feeling under the weather, and I think it's been working for Julie. She looked much better last night. And has been able to resume training. There's some really bad flu going around. EVERYONE is getting it, too. Yucky. Hope all is well with you!