New member
Contrary to what the low volume fanatics will say, the 5x5 is an awesome routine. EVERYONE that I know who has tried it has made very, very impressive gains. Granted, I may not have given DC training the amount of time I should have, but with all things being equal I gained more strength off of the 5x5 then I did off of DC training, and my lifting partner and I followed both routines exaclty. And in fact, I had better recovery habits with DC training then I did with the 5x5 and still felt as though I made better progress on the 5x5. I know this is utter blasphemy for some of you, but Im just telling it as it is and as it happened to me and many others.
NOTE: Im not at all bagging on DC training, Im just giving the 5x5 the credit it deserves.
NOTE: Im not at all bagging on DC training, Im just giving the 5x5 the credit it deserves.