This is going to be a long post, with a lot of different focuses.
That's okay. I'm verbose, so I'll trade you one long post back
I feel like I am stuck in a plateau that I can't get out of. Here is my current split.
Monday - Chest and Bis
Flat bench - 1-2 warmups 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 repts
Incline Dumbells - 1-2 warmups 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 reps
Incline Straight bar OR decline straight bar - 1-2 warmups and 2 heavy working sets of 6-8 reps.
Chest and biceps are a fair combo.
But right off the bat, I notice you're doing three pressing exercises. Why all three in one workout? 2 hard sets is okay, but all told, you're hitting six sets to failure.
Ditch the last exercise. Alternate flat bench with weighted dips, and try to cut your no. of hard sets in half at first. If that doesn't immediately yield good results, do only two failure sets total for pecs.
Straight bar standing bicep curs - 1-2 warmups and 2 heavy working sets.
Standing alternate dumbell curls - 1 warmup, 3 heavy working sets.
Dumbell Hammer curls - 2 heavy working sets, 1 warmup.
Bigger muscles require more work than smaller ones. The biceps are smaller than pecs, yet you're doing 7 heavy sets for them. Do only two failure sets, one set of two different exercises (BB alternated with DBs each workout). Try incline hammer curls as your second exercise.
Tuesday - Legs
Smith SQUATS - 1 warmup - 3-4 heavy working sets.
Leg press machine - 1 warmup 3 heavy working sets
Leg extension - 3 working sets
Hamstring Curls - 3 working sets
Way too much work. One hard set of squats, or leg presses for that matter, ought to leave you feeling like death. Do more warm-ups if need be, but only one top-end set of squats and leg presses, and don't do them both in the same workout.
Wednesday - OFF
Thursday - Back and Tris
PULL UPS - 4 sets as many as I can do
No need. Do one at your absolute maximum, then rest-pause a few more reps out. Strive to add weight with a dip belt. And when you hit full-range failure, keep doing partials 'til you drop.
Wide grip pull down - 2 warmup, 2 working
Seated Row Machine - 1 warmup 3 working
Deadlifts - 2-4 working sets 1 warmup.
Sometime I throw in a bend over row
Pulldowns and chins in one workout are superfluous IMO. Do only one--chins are better anyway.
Rows? 2 top-end sets at most. 1 very, very hard set would be better. Deads are similar, but warm up plenty (reps very low on these...add weight to the bar til you're close to your work set weight).
Dips - 3 sets as many as I can do (usually 8-15 per set)
Tricept pushdown machine - 3 sets, 1 warmup
Rope pull down - 3-4 working sets
Again, more sets for a small muscle than a big one. Noooooo!
One pushdown set and a maximum set of
weighted dips are more than enough.
Also, I'd do triceps with shoulders rather than w/ back. If you nail your triceps very hard on Thurs., your Fri. pressing movements
might be compromised.
Friday - Shoulders
Dumbell shoulder press - 1 warmup, 3 working
Seated Military Press on the Smitt - 1 warmup 3 working
Dumbell Shrugs - 1 warmup, 2 working
Straight bar shrugs on the smith 3-4 working sets
sometimes I throw in upright rows
2 sets of shrugs, 2 sets of overheads, and a quality set of cable laterals are all you need--probably more than you really need but plenty to do you for now.
From time to time I mix it up with a superset. or I will work in with this big guy at my gym who does a really high volume, short rest period training session. I am an ectomorph, he is an endomorph so our training styles differ. he does each body part 2 times per week and his workouts are 2 hours at a time. my workouts are about an hour at a time and I hit each body part once per week. I've talked to him about my plateau and he says if I keep doing what I am doing I'll never get big.. from what I have learned on here that is not true though.
2 hours long? What a moron. How many grams of test is he shooting daily?
Ignore him at all costs. I got plenty big doing a LOT less work than you are right now.
As far as diet, I eat a lot of protein, not much fat except from fish and nuts, and my carbs are mostly complex, low sugars.
I'd like to bulk again, but without putting on a huge layer of fat and outgrowing my pants.
I'd appreciate any and all advice. Different perspectives always help.
I've haven't used any AS yet either.
No need to worry about the drugs yet. And I wouldn't worry too much about your diet, especially your fat intake, so long as you nail down about 2.5 grams of protein per lb. of lean bodyweight.
You might be doing that already, so if that's the case, eat 50g more protein daily
Keeping your carbs low after sundown is a fair way to keep from gaining a lot of bodyfat. You're already eating the right kinds of carbs, so I doubt this will be the issue...and hey, if you put on 20 lbs. of muscle in three months, you won't cry in your beer if you put on 5 lbs. of fat with it, eh?