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casualbb said:I think it depends on a person's goal.
My goal should by all means be achievable without AAS. Because of that, if I used them, I would feel like I were cheating.
Now, if my goal were to be 240 and ripped or the top national powerlifter, then there is little chance I can achieve either without AAS. Then I wouldn't feel like I were cheating.
That's an interesting definition for cheating.
For me, cheating is violating rules deliberately, acting dishonestly, practicing fraud, deceive/deprive by trickery etc...
If you wanted to be 240 and ripped and there is little chance for you to achieve that without AAS within all your powers, then how are you violating rules, acting dishonestly etc? You're not deceiving or depriving anybody.
I digress. Its not like my point is leading anywhere whatsoever. A mere observation.