To address the competetion part of my post, I wasn't referring to the guy benching next to you, or the dude working in the power rack with you. I agree with Gettinlarger on that. I was referring to competition in a sport, however. Basically, if you're a defensive end, the offensive tackle you're running at doesn't care if you're stronger than you were 2 months ago, if HE is stronger than YOU on this given day, you're going to be in a lot of pain. Another example of this would be bodybuilding. Look at the best of the best. At this year's O, Jay, Gunter, and Ronnie all want to win. Ronnie Coleman won't be satisfied with 2nd or 3rd place just because he looks better than he ever did because if Jay or Gunter still look better than him, they win. So, in that sense, his competition is on a greater level than setting PR's and going against himself.