The Red Dragon New member May 10, 2003 #11 Very nice work man. My back would snap in half if I did that much
HollywoodSwole New member May 10, 2003 #12 Thanks fellas. It's a good feeling, especially when I'm so calm and laid-back (read: lazy) all the time, and being in the gym is the only time I get to feel hardcore.
Thanks fellas. It's a good feeling, especially when I'm so calm and laid-back (read: lazy) all the time, and being in the gym is the only time I get to feel hardcore.
P PolishHammer1977 New member May 10, 2003 #13 Great job brother! That's an awesome job. Build on that experience and make new goals.
B beastboy New member May 10, 2003 #14 Congrats...I had a PR myself on deads...355 for one....after 3 working sets. I love back day.