Yea, but there's got to be a point where your brain or at least your common sense says "Hey, maybe 3 lbs of fat, several bags of processed shit and a tub of lard on top just isn't making me feel better about myself and my body isn't appreciating it either..."
Well, it's obvious he has never gotten the psychological help he so desperately needs..... IMO he has a severe mental disorder, causing him to get to this state.....
Oh my gosh, he opened up the other album on the site. ugh
I also think he needs more then just a psychologist to help him, but rather, a nutritionist as well. But then, maybe hes getting this help now? I dont know.
Jens is right. It's a mental illness that needs treatment. A nutritionist couldn't make a difference until this man established a VERY different relationship with himself and with food.
Even if he loses 500 pounds in the hospital, he'll gain it right back if he doesn't make that mental change.
He mentions somewhere on the site that hes supposed to goto the hospital for a program so maybe he will and that will be what he needs? How would he even get there I wonder
but who is bringing him this food??? it takes him 15 minutes to stand up- he's not standing for long and he can't sit at the table... so some idiot is bringing all this food? i never understood that.