are you a fan or not? obviously its fine for bulking but is it still too fatty to have while cutting? im cutting right now but the grill has been begging me to make some f'n burgers..
I try not to eat red meat in general, just the chickens.. If you really wanted some, I'd search around and see if you can get some buffalo meat. If you had to go with regular beef I guess 93 is pretty much the best you can do.
they have 99/1 at the store I go to but it is $5.99 lb. has a brochure telling all about it... just not worth paying extra $2/lb. to me to get rid of a couple grams of fat.
I think the best option is to buy a food processor and ground your own. Chuck roast or beef stew meat is about $2/ lb. where I shop and by cutting all the fat off I can have virtually fat-free ground beef. It takes literally a few seconds to ground up a couple pounds. Makes great burgers.