Delts and Pecs tonight went "ok"
damn was I fatigued 1/4 the way into it...
Flat DB Bench got up to 80's for 3
Flat BB Bench pathetic at 205 for like 2... I thought i was going to die. lol.
Seated DB Overhead Presses worked up to 65's for 4
... just exhausted, musted up some energy...
Side laterals with 15's, 20's, 25's.
cable cross over side laterals, kept light and damn was it gooood.
back to the 15's 1 arm at a time, perfect form for 2 sets of 10 each side.
Seated Calves... 4 45's - 5's inbetween for finger gaps to pull off... and 25 on top for last set of 6 reps
Reverse Pec Deck, 2 sets...
Standing BB overhead presses up to 95lbs.
... didn't eat enough today AT ALL to do 2 bodyparts... damn I felt so weak the whole time, took forever (2 hours to do all that, lol).
time to eat again right now...
Fasting from 8- 4 tomorrow for blood work.
Not sure if I should eat at 6 or 7am tomorrow???? Cyrex?!