You got it! That really contracts the pecs......makes a hell of a squeeze. Don't go so far out that you lose that contraction, this is what makes the exercise work so well. TUT...(time under tension)
both as in, Yes I'll do one armed, but alternate with doing 2 arms sometimes, and the 1.5's also.... i'll mix it up.... both = everything, not both arms, lol
weight this morning was 184 lbs I think (didn't really burn it into my memory cuz I try not to go by the scale... the mirror is my true opponent!)... I can see parts of my back popping out (upper lats), even though I still have some blubber on the lower abs, like by the sides are getting leaner... my arms are also becomeing more defined as well as my chest... legs, eh... not a huge focus right now, but i am doing legs today (squats, extensions, curls). Progree pics... na, I doubt it's noticeable enough for photos... a few more weeks
P.S. Thanks for the Karma... i gotta spread it around more!
That post was from Jan 25th morning... 7 days later scale reads 184 lbs which = 189 lbs That's a 5 pound loss in 7 days... holy crap! Does NOT even look like it on me... it's not like i'm still loosing water though, i dunno. Oh well... like i said not going by the scale really, the mirror doesn't lie... and it's saying good work so far, lol.