Overdue Update:
7/8/06 - Saturday
Chest Day (HHF Gym... old gym, I rememberd why I left and now drive farther to my ex-ex gym again, lol... too many ex gyms I've gone to around here )
Start Time: 11:30am
Incline DB: 40's for 8, 55's for 8, 65's for 8
Flat DB: 60's for 8, 70's for 8, 75's for 7
(must been heavy... don't remember exact reason... probably heavy, lol)
Decline DB: No "Generic decline bench" ... decline ab bench... no way in hell was I trying to climb up on this contraption with 2 heavy dumbells for decline... put off until i realized I could do decline BB ... but that was at the end of the workout )
Cable Cross Over: #5 for 8, #6 for ? ...
lol, if I updated like i'm supposed to I'd remember what the hell happend... maybe i just didn't write it down??
For Fun: Dips: 5 reps, 5 reps (body weight)
Decline BB: 135x8, 145x8, 155x8
End Time: 12:15pm
... a LOT of waiting went on this morning, that's why I despise that gym and don't go there everyday. Although Saturday it was nice, shorter drive than my usual... may do it more often
7/10/06 - Monday
Leg Day
Start Time: 8:00pm
Warm up to prime my legs: Arch Trainer for ~ 2 minutes @ 30 "speed" for .15 miles
45* Sled: +4plates for 8, +6plates for 8, +8 plates for 8, +10plates for 8
(wanted to see if I could keep going... I could.. but last 2 reps with 10 plates + sled = at or slightly below parallel... not touching chest like the other reps)
BB Lunges: 75lb for 8, 85lb for ?, 95 for ? ...
lost count apparently I do remember for a fact that my legs were Huuuuuurtin' after this one, in a good sore limping kinda way
Leg Ext & Leg Curl Supersetted as usual same weights for both: 100/110/120 all for 8 quality reps
Seated Calve Raises: 2 plates for 12, 3 plates for 12 , 4 plates for uhhh 8 or 10 didn't count *per note on page
Standing Calve Raises: Occupied and I wasn't in the mood for negotiating, it was mine or it was occupied and I did something else... nothing left... Bye-Bye
End Time: 8:35pm
... now THAT's a fast paced Leg workout for me, put lunges in there too this time... no standings but those only would have been a few minutes.
7/11/06 - Tuesday
Back Day
Lat Pull Downs: 90x8, 140x8, 160x6, 150x3
(I was PISSED I couldn't get the last too so i dropped it and did three )
Pull Ups: 4 reps, 4.5 reps,
(longer rest than usual, no more than 2 minutes I'm sure) then 3 or 4 ... dang I really hate counting, I like going til' I can't go no mo'
("Standard" Grip this time, YES!!)Close Grip Low Row: 80x10, 100x8, 130x10? ... lost count again
DB Rows: 45x8, 55x8, 65x8 ... was not happy.. 1st set pathetic, last set "eh" so so tough last few with perfect form
yeah it was tough keeping perfect form and all but damnit I wanna play with the big weights again
Rope Crunches: 90x8, 110x8, 120x8
End Time: 8:25pm
7/12/06 - Today... Off... groceries, cook and clean
... I wanna eat bad food... BAD!!!! I just might do it too
I'll do some extra cardio if I do dig into some bad food
All my supplement should start arriving tomorrow and end friday (LOL! sounds like I'm getting truck loads... maybe I am
WOOHOO... I was running WAY low.