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Me Likes!!! ^^^ See RedGhede said:Just eyeballing this.. i was wondering how you might react in terms of growth and density to a slightly different gig... very old school, i know, but lets look at this as a vague suggestion ready to be modified, cool idea? hope i am not overstepping here, just holler and i will shut it.
I love Old School... Tried and True methods that built the original monsters
Classic Three Day On, Double Split:
Days one to three, all the work is three sets max, 8 reps per set. Progressive Resistance/Submaximal Effort. Form is God, no forced reps, no negatives, just you and the highest level of true form and concentration possible. ALWAYS an increase in either weight or reps on the third set, even if its only a single LB. Constant progression.
Understood... and will do... I like this way/style.... more corrrect way.. lol... of doing this already.
Day 1
Legs and Delts
Squats, Heavy 45degree Lunges, SLDeads, and a super of HamCurls/LegExt
All DB's: Seated Militaries, Lateral Raises, Alternating Front raises, Bent over Laterals
SL = Stiff Leged correct? Will try hammy curls and Leg Ext (that scares me with my knee but my knees been holding up like a champ lately!!) next leg day... in a few days
Day 2
Chest and Tris
In order: incline DBs, Flat Bench DBs, decline DBs, and Heavy Cable cross overs. All with supra maximal static holds on the top of each movement: total flexing anhiliation on the full cross over of the cable flys.
DB press ups (elbows maintained as close together as possible: if they splay, you cant play)
Bent Bar Press Downs: elbows at front of rib cage, they must not move even one centimeter, complete hyperextension and static hold at bottom.
Reverse grip cable kicks OR Heavy DB Kicks, NOT both. elbows to back of rib cage on either of these, same flex at apex.
I LOVE DB'S!!! Feels so much more natural for me than BB work. DB Press ups.... with both hands holding a DB in a vertical position? If so, i don't feel that in my tris as much... will substitute with single arm overhead DB extensions.
Bent Bar = "V" type bar? I will substitute that for longer E-Z curl bar... my lats are in the way, can't fully hyper with the "V" bar.
Cable kick backs... with NO attachment... i love that one! I grab above the carabiner (sp?!) where the rubber ball is.
Hard and heavy core. Hiit Cardio.
With Day 2 I ASSume?
Day 3
Back n' Bi's
On ALL back work: your elbows are doing the pulling- your hands, wrists and forearms are only invited to this party to hold onto the bar/handles/dbs. If you bend your wrist to incorporate ANY forearm strength: YOU ARE DONE.
Heavy wide grip lat pulls followed by weighted pull ups.
Will try again... was never a fan, but i'm up for a new routine!
Close grip low rows, abdomen is the target NOT the sternum, your forearms must be parallel to the ground or its NOT a low row. at the apex, visualize trying to touch your elbows together.
Either Supinated one arm cable rows or one arm db rows. the key here is that your elbow should rub against your ribs as it goes by: as tight to the body as is possible. If your elbows splay out? done. no mas.
hehe, got it! I think joined the elbow flying crew years ago ... dang High School weight trainers.
Day 4
A day of rest, and it was good. Much rejoicing was had by the Hill People.
May have to split this routine up... but as time allows... I will keep in tact as much as I can without spreading the work out!
Day 5
might be a day off depending on how your legs are doing, might be hard and heavy core followed by HIIT
If recovery is good....
Legs, Back and Shoulders: Dynamic. Higher reps, minimal rest, submaximal weights. Anaerobic threshold work days, very much like modified Tabata training. You can EASILY turn this into a Monster set hurl fest if you like.
Recovery is ALWAYS GOOD I don't stop for DOMS... I just kick DOMS glutes with ONE light set to get the blood in there, active recovery is my friend
Day 6
Chest, Bi's n' Tri's
same recipe as the previous day with addition of moderately high rep core work, UNweighted:
Yoga Boat Pose Static Holds
Full and Oblique Planks
Knee crunches on the edge of a bench: no hands. you gotta balance on these and get your heels as close to the floor as you can on one end and your knees must hit your chest on the other. Long and steady on these, 25 reps max. if 25 is too easy, slooooowwww dowwwwwn or put a 10lb DB tween your feet. That'll slow ya up some...
LMAO! yah... i think meeyyyyyyyyybe a little bit of slow downage!
Day 7
Rest Day Two and your highest carb/calorie day of the week in preparation for tomorows heavy leg day...
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Define higheset carb lol... eat all day and don't keep track! lol...jk, I have to watch out, and just kick cardio up if i see lipid storage happenin'.
Ok, bro, i know, i know, its so old school that most of the boys here are laughing at it. Tell you what, if you havent gone this way before, you might see some things along the path that might miss with more complex work.
I'm down.... nuff said.
Heavy. Steady. Strict. Correct.
I think you will like it. If not, maybe it will help some other folks... i use this five day out of seven or eight days for most of the folks i work that are really in need/desire some seriously hard core density and solid strenght gains. This is NOT a basic Hypertrophy program, but will gain you some mass. It is not a 'cutter' but on a restricted program this will most certainly slice you to pieces...
Remember what the old man says: 'Intensity Breeds Density, Quantity Destroys Quality.'
cheers mon.
Again... much thanks!! I'm exhausted... copy and pasting up my leg routine from tonight and gettin' to slumber land in seconds.