some videos of my best squat and deadlifts from the meet i did yesterday in Modesto, CA...
was 158lbs 1 week down, ate super clean the week leading up and got lots of rest and protein... dropped water the night before weigh-in's (day before meet) and weighed-in @144... so cut a bit too much, but walked into the meet back up to 155 that morning...
i originally planned on competing in single ply, but someone at my gym STOLE my squat suit about a month out... so i was still able to enter the contest for raw lifting... i thought knee wraps were ok, and was continuting to train in them... but at weigh in's and equipment check, i found out wraps were not ok... so i didnt really know what i was able to do as i usually put them on for anything over 315...
my attempts were as follows:
1. 363 3whites (pass)
2. 385 "
3. 402 "
1. 215 3 whites
2. 225 "
3. 231 3 red (fail, not a good bencher)
1. 480 2 whites 1 red (pass, set down too fast)
2. 501 2 whites, 1 red (while lowering bar it slipped my grip just inches before setting down, but the rule is "to make a bona-fide attempt to lower the bar", so 2 judges allowed it, you can see in the video)
3. 523 3 red (got it off the floor, but i just couldnt get it, hips came up too soon, ill post this vid another day, i havent uploaded it yet)
totaled 1129, won my weight class (148) and was BEST LIFTER in my divison (open men raw)...
i had a lot more in my squat, so next time i will probably open 490'ish...
501 dead
402 squat
was 158lbs 1 week down, ate super clean the week leading up and got lots of rest and protein... dropped water the night before weigh-in's (day before meet) and weighed-in @144... so cut a bit too much, but walked into the meet back up to 155 that morning...
i originally planned on competing in single ply, but someone at my gym STOLE my squat suit about a month out... so i was still able to enter the contest for raw lifting... i thought knee wraps were ok, and was continuting to train in them... but at weigh in's and equipment check, i found out wraps were not ok... so i didnt really know what i was able to do as i usually put them on for anything over 315...
my attempts were as follows:
1. 363 3whites (pass)
2. 385 "
3. 402 "
1. 215 3 whites
2. 225 "
3. 231 3 red (fail, not a good bencher)
1. 480 2 whites 1 red (pass, set down too fast)
2. 501 2 whites, 1 red (while lowering bar it slipped my grip just inches before setting down, but the rule is "to make a bona-fide attempt to lower the bar", so 2 judges allowed it, you can see in the video)
3. 523 3 red (got it off the floor, but i just couldnt get it, hips came up too soon, ill post this vid another day, i havent uploaded it yet)
totaled 1129, won my weight class (148) and was BEST LIFTER in my divison (open men raw)...
i had a lot more in my squat, so next time i will probably open 490'ish...
501 dead
402 squat