I've been reading this board for a few months, and everything on elitefts.. westside is just brilliant, it is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I've been doing westside for exactly 4 weeks now and I've already made huge gains (mostly from changing squat form, and strengthening triceps). My bench form was already a PL style because I have powerful lats so it came natural to me to bench with tucked elbows..I've always been built to pull too, so I needed no improvement there.. however.. squat.. squats were nothing but tender knees for me..
With wide stances, I can just feel the tension in my hamstrings and no pressure at ALL on my knees.. I love it..when I sit back (on the box or freestanding) my knees actually drift BACK a centimeter and have no forward movement..My question is this.. I am going real wide and keeping feet pointed straight ahead (to increase hip flexor tension, I'm flexible enough to do this). Now.. I can do one of two things when I squat like this..I can keep my legs in this "triangular" setup like for instance in a sumo squat, or I can flare out my knees so they are above my heels..what should be done? Both seem to be effective.. I'm worried I could damage my knees by flaring them out as I decend. They feel at an awkward angle.. but at the same note, I feel more hip and glute and quad recruitment then keeping knees in line with hip and heel rather then OVER heel... hope this makes sense..
now this question is for irish, or anyone else with input ( I mention irish because this man has FREAKY quads (as seen in his video) ). Do you guys ever work in any quad work? I hate quad work because it is nothing but stress on the knees.. however.. I hear an INSANE inbalance in quad/hams can cause problems with your knees as well.. do you guys work in some kind of quad work anywhere? Or will they just come natural with the regular west side methods?
Also.. for people who are natural pullers.. should we make accomodations to the plan by PULLING more often then the plan recommends? I was thinking 2 weeks pulling alternated with 2 weeks of the other westside stuff for ME sq/dl.
for example:
weeks 1,2: pull from floor
weeks 3,4: GM
weeks 5,6: pull from rack
weeks 7,8: low box sq
weeks 9,10: pull from floor
weeks 11,12: GM
I've always pulled big just from pulling every single week. I'd add 5-10lb and PR every week.. (got from 135 to 400 in this fashion, it was still working up until I quit to start westside).
Pressing.. I can 4-board press for 5 reps what leaves my whole arms SHAKING violently.. so I cant work up heavier because I cant stabilize it.. do I need to do static holds? How do I remedy this?
Do you guys ever work in overhead barbell presses as ME exersize?
How do your pecs get work? I bench so strictly with lats and tris my pecs are shrinking big time.. is it ok to work in 4 sets of 5 on incline db press with flared elbows?
I think this is it for now..
Thanks guys!
I've been reading this board for a few months, and everything on elitefts.. westside is just brilliant, it is the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I've been doing westside for exactly 4 weeks now and I've already made huge gains (mostly from changing squat form, and strengthening triceps). My bench form was already a PL style because I have powerful lats so it came natural to me to bench with tucked elbows..I've always been built to pull too, so I needed no improvement there.. however.. squat.. squats were nothing but tender knees for me..
With wide stances, I can just feel the tension in my hamstrings and no pressure at ALL on my knees.. I love it..when I sit back (on the box or freestanding) my knees actually drift BACK a centimeter and have no forward movement..My question is this.. I am going real wide and keeping feet pointed straight ahead (to increase hip flexor tension, I'm flexible enough to do this). Now.. I can do one of two things when I squat like this..I can keep my legs in this "triangular" setup like for instance in a sumo squat, or I can flare out my knees so they are above my heels..what should be done? Both seem to be effective.. I'm worried I could damage my knees by flaring them out as I decend. They feel at an awkward angle.. but at the same note, I feel more hip and glute and quad recruitment then keeping knees in line with hip and heel rather then OVER heel... hope this makes sense..
now this question is for irish, or anyone else with input ( I mention irish because this man has FREAKY quads (as seen in his video) ). Do you guys ever work in any quad work? I hate quad work because it is nothing but stress on the knees.. however.. I hear an INSANE inbalance in quad/hams can cause problems with your knees as well.. do you guys work in some kind of quad work anywhere? Or will they just come natural with the regular west side methods?
Also.. for people who are natural pullers.. should we make accomodations to the plan by PULLING more often then the plan recommends? I was thinking 2 weeks pulling alternated with 2 weeks of the other westside stuff for ME sq/dl.
for example:
weeks 1,2: pull from floor
weeks 3,4: GM
weeks 5,6: pull from rack
weeks 7,8: low box sq
weeks 9,10: pull from floor
weeks 11,12: GM
I've always pulled big just from pulling every single week. I'd add 5-10lb and PR every week.. (got from 135 to 400 in this fashion, it was still working up until I quit to start westside).
Pressing.. I can 4-board press for 5 reps what leaves my whole arms SHAKING violently.. so I cant work up heavier because I cant stabilize it.. do I need to do static holds? How do I remedy this?
Do you guys ever work in overhead barbell presses as ME exersize?
How do your pecs get work? I bench so strictly with lats and tris my pecs are shrinking big time.. is it ok to work in 4 sets of 5 on incline db press with flared elbows?
I think this is it for now..
Thanks guys!