Monday 19 May: Lower Body - Hip Dominant
GMs (bent leg, arched back, squat stance - just outside shoulder width)
Bar x 10
88 x 8 x 3 sets
132 x 10
220 x 8 x 3 sets
Hang Cleans
88 x 10
132 x 8 x 3
22 x 10 x 3 sets
The GMs were interesting. I think they're going to become a permanent fixture. Seems like they'll help my squat. However, my form needs to be improved out of sight.
My grip was tortured by the SLDs. I can't believe I managed to hang on to the bar at the end of the first set, let alone the third.
I tried to use a very short range of motion on the hang cleans, concentrating on explosion. The ROM became increasingly large as the sets and reps went on. I'm unsure if I'll continue to use them. Not really a high rep exercise, but we'll see...