132 x 5
176 x 5
220 x 3
264 x 1
308 x 1 355 x 6 PR!!
Hang Cleans
132 x 1 x 10 sets (30 seconds rest)
I couldn't go for the 405 deadlift as planned due to my plates not arriving until mid-next week , so I put on all the weight I own and decided I'd deadlift anyway.
The video missed the last rep because it only records in 30 second intervals.
My nose started bleeding during the fifth rep, and blood started dripping onto the floor during the sixth rep. Shame the camera missed that!
I'm still angry and think I might do some hill sprints later tonight, in the darkness...
What is most embarrassing is that I didn't even get my arse low and back on the first rep. I could've dealt with it otherwise, because repping heavy weights screws with form. But yeah, I'm ashamed