Absolutely. Especially since I've started posting videos. I'm learning so much about my own training with each individual workout and the consequential feedback.
Also I think there is more motivation, before if you'd miss a PR, no one would care except you, but on here, its like you feel an urgency to keep going up and up, since so many other people are keeping track of you.
For sure. Look at my OHP and how much I struggled for it. I can say with certainty that I would not have kept pushing that 198 if I didn't have this journal going.
I only started keeping track of my training and numbers recently. Previously, it was just hit and miss. All guess-work. Looking back, I was really spinning my wheels and wasting my time.
Bench Press
132 x 3 x 2 sets
176 x 3 x 2 sets
220 x 1
242 x 1
264 x 1
286 x 1 PR!!
176 x 5 x 3 sets
Barbell Curls
88 x 5 x 3 sets
22lb PR on my Bench Press. It was a very ugly lift. Wobbly and uneven (although that exaggerated by the camera angle which is not straight-on). Nevertheless, a PR is a PR. Of the four lifts I'm testing this was the one I had the least expectations for.
I'm quite stoked
A big LOL to me doing barbell curls for like the 2nd time ever They were a piece of piss.
revexrevex - note the choice of music in the background
Hammer - I made a point of looking forward and up with the rows. The weight is still easy, but I felt that it hit my lats more and my lower back felt safer. Different, but in a good way
My conditioning has left the building! I've always kept myself in good shape for indoor soccer (its very much an anaerobic game), but I really struggled tonight. I've done nothing aside from lift four times a week for the past month, so that isn't a shock. We also played without substitutions. After my holiday and layoff, I will be including some more GPP work in addition to a four-day lifting split and a game of soccer. I should get back to a respectable level fairly quickly
That said, we won 5-2. I scored two goals and setup another. I'm not playing "high-level" now. Just recreational stuff with my mates. The perfectly weekly addition to my training.
On another positive, yet completely unrelated note (we all have some form of life outside training, right? ), I blitzed my Quantitative Methods exam this morning. That's two down and two to go. Unfortunately, Construction Technology is tomorrow and that will be a lot like my leg strength - my weakness! Maybe I can surprise myself like I did with my squats