1 week under my belt.
I feel on, but the beast does cause lethargy. I have RS-trans but I can see where injectable test would be more effective.
Water intake is good, I do feel a bit bloated so I am going to dial my carb intake a bit and replace with protein cals.
Strength is good, but am hoping in the next few weeks my recovery is better. Slight strength gains in all 5x5 lifts. I did stay at current squat working sets as my form suffered a bit.
I look good, but actually lost some vascularity. My sodium plus carbs will be dialed back a bit. i imagine this time next week, I should be good to go.
Weight is up slightly. I started last week at 230 and am now at 238 first thing in the AM.
Aggression is not good, and my wife called me on it. I told her I just needed to get to the gym and it would be better...
I am getting enough sleep, I just waiting for the cycle to really kick in and hope I feel in next week.